Mastering NgRx Signal Store: From Fundamentals to Advanced Techniques

Explore the power of NgRx Signal Store in a comprehensive workshop led by core members of the NgRx team by Alex Okrushko and Marko Stanimirović. This workshop offers a deep dive into the world of reactive state management powered by Angular Signals.

NgRx SignalStore is a fully-featured state management solution that offers a robust way to manage application state. With its native support for Signals, it provides the ability to define stores in a clear and declarative manner. The simplicity and flexibility of SignalStore, coupled with its opinionated and extensible design, establish it as a versatile solution for effective state management in Angular.

What to Expect: In this workshop, we’ll walk through the fundamentals of the NgRx SignalStore with in-depth discussions, exercises, and code labs. We'll guide you through leveraging the power of both Signals and RxJS, showing you how to use each in the places where they shine, unlocking the full potential of reactivity in Angular. After exploring core concepts, we'll delve into using SignalStore plugins and state management patterns that ensure code cleanliness, scalability, and robustness.

Prerequisites: Participants should have a basic understanding of Angular and TypeScript fundamentals. Experience with NgRx and Signals is not required but would be beneficial.


Alex Okrushko

Alex is a Principal Architect at Cisco CX - Customer Experience. He is part of the NgRx team, GDE in Angular, Angular Toronto organizer, and co-organizer of the official Angular Discord. In his free time, he loves to learn & share knowledge, provides NgRx workshops and helps with - the TypeScript style guide.

Read more about Alex Okrushko


Marko Stanimirović

Marko is a Principal Frontend Engineer at Swiss Marketplace Group. He is also a core member of the NgRx and AnalogJS teams, a Google Developer Expert in Angular, and an organizer of the Angular Belgrade group. Marko actively contributes to open-source software, shares knowledge through technical articles and talks, and enjoys playing the guitar. He holds a Master of Science in Software Engineering from the University of Belgrade.

Read more about Marko Stanimirović